EMC² Independent Facilitator -
Kate Gustke
EMC²does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
The AIM Program has nothing to do with disease
or illness, and everything to do with wellness. No medical authority recognizes this work
as medicine or as medically valid or medically relevant, and EMC² agrees with them. My
work detects disturbances in the subtle-energy field that is your basic essence. Some
people who have done research in this area feel that there is a strong correlation between
the detection of certain frequencies and the presence of disease organisms or pathogens.
I believe it's irrelevant, because information about the frequency of a subtle-energy disturbance
is only good for removing that disturbance...
When we talk about the frequency of TB
or the frequency of HIV, we're not saying that TB or HIV is everywhere. We're simply saying
that, often, we find frequencies that have been associated with those problems. Interestingly,
we often find confirming information in the popular press or in journals of epidemiology.
Usually, people who manifest these frequencies experience various rather predictable
deteriorations in their feeling of well-being. When their subtle-energetic balance is
restored, their feeling of well-being returns. I can't speak to whether or not they
actually had TB, because I don't test for TB. If they want to know whether they have
it, my clients go to an M.D. for the appropriate tests.
— Sanctuary: The Path To Consciousness
Featured testimonials:
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.
Devbrat from Kolkata, India - AIM participant since Feb 2023
Tags: Detox, emotional; Emotional healing; Emotional health; Energy increase; Sleep; Success; Thinking ability; Worry;
Devbrat clear negative emotions, gains huge amount of energy, sleeps better, worries less and thinks better after his first year on the AIM Program.
Mirella from England - AIM participant since Aug 2020
Tags: Gratitude; Migraines;
Mirella suffered migraines for 30 years. She says they are much less frequent and the length and severity are reduced.
Debra P from Tennessee - AIM participant since May 2001
Tags: 20 years on AIM; Cancer, skin; Skin cancer; Surgery; Wound healing;
Long-time AIM Participant has miraculous recovery from cancer surgery. Doctor says scar healing was miraculous.
Lynda from Colorado - AIM participant since Feb 2008
Tags: Cancer; Kept him alive;
Husbands passing highlights the power of AIM. Lynda feels that AIM kept her husband alive during a long severe illness.
Nicholas from New Jersey - AIM participant since May 2016
Tags: Autism; Confidence; Nail-biting;
Nicky experiences improvements in autism issues after being on the AIM Program
Willemijntje and Ceacillia from Oklahoma - AIM participant since Oct 2022
Tags: Cat; Poison;
Willemijntje the cat recovers from accidental poisoning. Her owner credits the AIM Program.
Jeronimo Giusso from Buenos Aires - AIM participant since Oct 2021
Tags: Energy; Lost; Love; Pain; Pain, lumbar; Relief, amazing; Something missing; Stuck; Weight lifted; Youthfulness;
No longer stuck, no longer lost, weight lifted, pain gone, people say he looks younger and brighter.
Andre LaFreniere from Quebec - AIM participant since Aug 2021
Tags: Acidity; Blood pressure; Bloodshot eyes; Burping; Digestion; Dizziness; Energy; Eyes, bloodshot; Glaucoma; Headaches; High blood pressure; Hypertension; Stomach acidity; Transformation; Walking difficulty; Zero energy;
Andre had so many things wrong, like high blood pressure, glaucoma, zero energy, etc, but his transformation was amazing.
Madelyn Test from Texas - AIM participant since Jan 2006
Tags: 15 years on AIM; Hip Pain; new frequency; Walking difficulty;
Family on AIM for 15+ years, her recent hip pain and walkig difficulty resolved after new frequency revealed and added to AIM trays. Thankful for AIM.
Jonathan Faucher from Canada - AIM participant since March 2020
Tags: Dog; Dwelling; Life improves; Shungite;
Since AIM, big life changes: Shungite works for him; Undesirable neighbors moved away, landlord lets him out of lease; Dog could barely walk, now leads the way.
Liz from Arizona - AIM participant since September 1999
Tags: Cataracts; Dying; Hereditary frequencies; Macular occlusion, incurable;
In 1999, Liz was dying. She found the AIM Program and went on the trays. She says AIM helped her heal herself. Recently doctors said she had an incurable macular occlusion and would go blind. After a new frequency in Liz was put on AIM, Liz says that the incurable occlusion went away.
Hemi P from California - AIM participant since September 2020
Tags: Animals; Animals on AIM; Cat; Eating problem; Pet; Pet aging; Pet energy; Pets;
AIM participant Anita P was told by the veterinarian that Anita's cat Hemi, 24 years old and blind, had not much time to live. Anita put Hemi on AIM and shortly Hemi began a remarkable recovery.
Mohamed K from Algeria - AIM participant since January 2020
Tags: Autism;
Islem's father provides a list of how his son has made improvements with his autism after going on the tray.
Roz B from Las Vegas - AIM participant since November 2003
Tags: Arthritis; Back pain; Career; Clarity; Dreams; Energy increase; Finances; Focus; Pain; Precognition; Promotions; Prosperity; Sanctuary; Walking; Weight loss;
Roz lists the many many ways AIM has improved her life
Winnie the Horse from Washington - AIM participant since April 2019
Tags: Allergies; Allergies, Scotch Broom; Cancer, melanoma; Hives;
Winnie the Horse overcomes life-threatening melanoma and allergy to Scotch Broom
Franklin A from Bel Air, California - AIM participant since April 1999
Tags: Facial paralysis; Paralysis; Ramsay Hunt Syndrome;
After waking up with complete left-side facial paralysis, Franklin healed himself in 6 months, instead of the 1 to 2 years his doctors predicted.
Rev Robert from Texas - AIM participant since September 2002
Tags: Heart attack; Open heart surgery; Triple bypass;
Reverend has a heart attack and a triple bypass. He credits AIM with his excellent recovery;
Peter B from Pennsylvania - AIM participant since February 1999
Tags: 20 years on AIM; Abundance; Career; Energetic support; Finances; Mental health; Physical health; Relationship; Spiritual focus; Youthfulness;
Attorney Peter B shares his spiritual, relationship, financial, outlook and mental and physical results from being on AIM for 20 years.
Tonja V from Nevada - AIM participant since December 2004
Tags: 13 years on AIM; Anxiety; Career; Courage; Depression; Emotions; Energy; Exhaustion; Fatigue; Fear; Self-doubt; Weight loss; Worry;
On AIM for 13 years, Tonja has more energy than ever and is starting a new career.
Leroy from South Dakota - AIM participant since April 2002
Tags: Aggravation; Bladder; Cancer; Cancer, bone; Immune response; Inflamation; Muscle; Prostate; Swelling; Wellness;
After emotional healing, long-time AIM participant Leroy works through muscle, cancer and bladder issues. He believes AIM was an important part of his complete recovery.
Allison from Montana - AIM participant since August 2013
Tags: Dog; Energetics; House; Pet;
Allison and her home are both on AIM and she says her recently-rescued adopted dog has healed from living in her energetically-cleared home.
Peter from California - AIM participant since March 2017
Tags: Gratitude; PSA;
His upward-trending PSA results change direction. Peter G credits AIM.
Shamim from England - AIM participant since August 2003
Tags: Anger; Cancer; Emotional baggage; Emotional healing; Family; Family healing; Found my voice; Free of outside influence; Life force; Medical doctor (MD); Relationship with parents; Self-healing; True to self;
Shamim used AIM to self-heal unresolved emotional baggage within her family. As an MD, she recommends the AIM Program to her patients.
Troy from Hawaii - AIM participant since November 2011
Tags: Able to communicate; Acne; Anger; Back; Confidence; Depression; Drinking; Emotional healing; Hate; Heart, afib; Immune system; Jealousy; Law of attraction; Love; Mental growth; Physical improvement; Seizures; Skin; Smoking; Spiritual growth; Suicidal; Wealth;
Troy tells how he used AIM to self-heal addiction and thoughts of suicide.
Joicefaie from Idaho - AIM participant since December 2002
Tags: Hand paralysis; Paralysis;
Joicefaie describes how she used AIM to self-heal paralysis in her hand.
Rita from Washington - AIM participant since September 2012
Tags: Emotional healing; Health; IBD; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Mental healing; Physical health;
Rita describes how she used AIM to self-heal the symptoms that came along with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
Stewart from California - AIM participant since January 1999
Tags: Diabetes; Family; Family Plan;
Stewart describes how he used AIM to self-heal diabetes.
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