EMC² Independent Facilitator -
Kate Gustke
AIM Virtual Tray Tour
An Energetic Evaluation
AIM Forms
Applications are available on this page in electronic on-line form and PDFs. Paper forms can be mailed to you on request.
The electronic forms let you type in all the required information and upload a photograph using any web browser. You can save drafts of your form and retrieve them later to finish filling them in. When you are done, you can submit the form electronically. You can also generate a PDF copy for yourself of any draft or submitted copy of the application form.
In the unlikely event your web device and browser don't work with the electronic forms, please use a pdf or ask for pre-printed forms.
Each participant must have an Individual Application Form and photograph on file in order to begin on AIM. While the Individual Application Form is required for every first time applicant, renewing a program is a simple one-page process. For an individual, there is a one-page Renewal form; for a Family Plan, the one-page Family Plan form is used. This is the case even if you are returning to the AIM Program after being off the tray.
The Individual Application Form and the Renewal Application Form each have the capability for you to upload a photo.
Any omissions on any form can hold up processing, including of an entire Family Plan.
Please refer to the Application Completion & Process link for step-by-step instructions on how to complete applications for yourself or for children, pets or property and for proper completion when a Family Plan is being created.
Even better, please contact me to assist you with the forms, especially initial applications and initial Family Plan forms. It's my pleasure to help so the process goes smoothly.
Your Independent EMC² Facilitator Kate Gustke
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