Kate Gustke
Independent Facilitator for EMC²
I like to ask people interested in AIM to sit for a moment and contemplate the self-healing opportunities that AIM Energetic Balancing offers: to regain their highest possible life force, to redirect their vital energy to realize their dreams, and above all, the gift of bringing ALL their energy to bear on their journey, wherever that may take them. Sometimes life happens so fast, and keeps people so busy, that even when presented with a blessing not offered to many, the opportunity just slips by, lost in the shuffle of daily life. My biggest goal as a facilitator is to help people understand AIM more clearly and to make a conscious choice, to understand it's NOT too good to be true. This amazing self-healing power we each have access to deserves that effort!

AIM has been one of those blessings in my life. When I first came across the program, I said YES immediately. I hoped to use it to self-heal my lifelong chronic food and environmental allergies, which had reached a point where they were limiting my life on a daily, constant basis. Eight months later I was completely free of those allergies, have been ever since, and believe me, that was only the tip of the iceberg. The blessings continue, with the biggest being energetic support for my spiritual unfolding through the continuous and gentle "dissolving" of one resistance after another – mental, emotional, physical. In Star Trek terms, "resistance is futile"!

In 2000, I became an AIM participant and a year later a facilitator, working in both New Mexico and the Northwest. In early 2003, I took a break from both, coming back to AIM and facilitating in the summer of 2004. It took me a while to understand why this break was necessary, and now I realize that I had made AIM my spiritual path, instead of a tool to help me "turn up the volume" on my spiritual path – an important distinction. Taking this break allowed my perspective to mature, and there is a rededication to facilitating that comes from a deeper level. I love talking with and supporting people as they look at using the AIM frequencies for their self-healing, as well as answering questions for participants. Since returning to facilitating, it's much easier to connect with people looking at AIM or considering coming back onto AIM, as I have experienced my own doubts and discoveries, and I understand what a gift this program has been in my own personal journey. I am extremely grateful to play my part in the puzzle of healing, and I see our participants as beacons of balance on the planet.

I now live in Temecula, California, and am lucky enough to support participants in many locations around the country and world. I look forward to hearing from someone interested in AIM or a participant with a question. I can't imagine a better life than the one I have, where inner balance supports my spiritual journey and I get to talk with people about self-healing and raising consciousness. Life doesn't get any better than that for me!

Be well -

Kate Gustke
EMC² Facilitator

"The divine inclination to discover our Source and move closer to Its essence is an innate quality within all human beings."

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